Best of TaraElla, March-April 2018
Moral Libertarian Themes of the Month: The Moral Libertarian Way to Social Justice Moral Libertarian Perspective: Power, Oppression and Liberation From The TaraElla Show: That 'Times Up' Tattoo, and Questioning the Feminism of Emma Watson again Are Hillary Clinton, Taylor Swift and Lena Dunham White Feminists? From Extra Newsfeed: Just Because I’m Skeptical of Government Power, it Doesn’t Mean I Love Capitalism From The Hit Job: Amy Chua is right. Identity politics has taken an exclusionary turn. Why I believe that we can still revive Liberalism An open letter to liberal supporters of Jordan Peterson From Student Voices: Are Safe Speech and Progressive Stack Good for Social Justice? Single of the Month: Beauty We all need some beauty, all of the time...