Full transcript here. In recent years, there has been a growing crisis within liberalism. It is losing its identity, its ideals, and perhaps its very reason for existence. We can see this from several different angles. Compared to all other available options (e.g. postmodernism, criticalism, identity politics, neoconservatism etc.), liberalism is still the most morally sound path for Western democratic societies going forward, and most likely to get us to the best resolution for the controversial social issues we face. This film will make the case for this argument. As a citizen of a Western democratic country, given the crossroads we find ourselves facing at the moment (e.g. conflicting identity politics claims, the 'history wars', the 'woke' vs 'reactionary' culture wars, the questioning of the long-standing social contract), I feel that it's my responsibility to speak up, before it's too late. Full transcript here. As the 2nd decade of the 2...